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Forum Activity for @gagyi-botond

Gagyi Botond
10 Oct 2011 09:49:48
8 posts

Rehab Nation cauta suflatori si clapar! - Urgent, din orice parte a tarii!

Trupa cauta


ok, stiu, am mai vorbit dar noi nu avem buget respectiv pentru transport, oferte etc. Suntem o simpla formatie, fara management, deci nu traim din ceea ce facem (inca). Ar fi fost vorba de o colaborare pe termen mai lung sau doar de inregistrari, dar inca o data nu putem plati pentru asta in momentul fata. Eventuale castiguri sunt la concerte, dar exact nu stim nici noi ce va fi anul viitor. Noi nu cantam dupa partituri, avem nevoie de improvizatii, avem piese proprii si aici am vrea ca suflatorul sau claparul respectiv sa-si introduca partea sa inventata. Fiecare trebuie sa-si demonstreze valoarea.

Multumim inca odata pentru interesul aratat,

Poate in viitor vom avea posibilitatea de a colabora!


silematache a spus :

salut Gagyi Botond eu v-am mai spus odata daca i-mi trimeteti partiturile, si-mi asigurati transportul va ajut cu mare placere ,si s-ar putea sa vin si cu acordeon ,clapar,trombon ,dar sa vrb intii.tot respectul
Gagyi Botond
27 Sep 2011 14:26:41
8 posts

Rehab Nation cauta suflatori si clapar! - Urgent, din orice parte a tarii!

Trupa cauta

Cautam in continuare suflatori si clapar URGENT! din orice parte a tarii!

Urmeaza sa inregistram in curand un album si avem nevoie de SUFLATORI! help us! :)


Gagyi Botond
15 Sep 2011 10:52:27
8 posts

Rehab Nation cauta suflatori si clapar! - Urgent, din orice parte a tarii!

Trupa cauta


multumim pentru mesaj!

Distanta nu prea conteaza, numai ca noi avem repetitii zilnice. Asta ar fi o problema, insa se poate rezolva.

Cererea noastra este de te prezenta la inregistrari si la concerte. IMPORTANT!

Daca te intereseaza in continuare, te rugam sa ne trimiti un mail cu detalii despre tine, instrument, experienta la adresa de mail:



artist, Rehab Nation

Gagyi Botond
08 Sep 2011 14:33:43
8 posts

Rehab Nation cauta suflatori si clapar! - Urgent, din orice parte a tarii!

Trupa cauta

Formatia Rehab Nation cauta suflatori (trombon, trompeta, saxofon) si clapar (sau accordeon)! Gen muzical combinat cu influente balkan folk, gipsy punk, ska si raggae ... mai multe despre trupa gasiti pe facebook, myspace sau reverbnation. Contacteaza-ne indiferent de varsta, culoare sau etnie: ... Believe in youreself we give you the chance!

updated by @gagyi-botond: 26 Nov 2014 15:47:56
Gagyi Botond
31 Jan 2013 14:07:52
8 posts


Trupa cauta


We are Rehab Nation and are looking for a new bass player! So if there's anyone out there who pretends that he/she/it can play bass or has held something like that in his hand at least one time, likes the mood and is as ugly as the rest of us, please send your CV to ""

About us:

REHAB NATION is a multicultural project, founded in the heart of Transylvania at the end of 2010. The bands music is like a ticking time bomb of explosive ska-punk, reggae, gypsy and balkan rhythms, whilst their lyrics represent a European Union of English with Hungarian, Romanian, French and even Spanish.
The bands debut album, International, was released in May 2011, a 100% self- produced material, all 12 songs being recorded by the band members in their own rehearsal room. They toured with the album until 2012, having played almost all over Romania, and Hungary, as well. In 2011, theyve played at two major festivals: IRAF V (International Romani Art Festival) and Peninsula/Flsziget Festival (Sziget Festival's smaller sister). During their activity, theyve played alongside bands like Dubioza Kolektiv, The Toasters and Anima Sound System.
In 2012 REHAB NATION has won the Battle Of The Bands organized by Transilvania Music Event, and was there at a number of festivals, including: Peninsula/Flsziget Festival, FnFest at Roia Montan, RockNIai; also they are planning to release their new studio EP in 2013, this time with the entire line-up.


Available for download free at:

TBD (EP) - 2013

updated by @gagyi-botond: 26 Nov 2014 15:44:52