• 10 years ago
• comments: 0
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa GOOD DAY - LIVE Demo
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa GOOD DAY - LIVE Demo
• 10 years ago
• comments: 0
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - The wall (LIVE cover)
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - The wall (LIVE cover)
• 10 years ago
• comments: 0
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - You shook me all night long (LIVE cover ACDC)
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - You shook me all night long (LIVE cover ACDC)
• 10 years ago
• comments: 0
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - We will rock you (LIVE cover Queen)
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - We will rock you (LIVE cover Queen)
• 10 years ago
• comments: 1
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - Six days on the road (LIVE cover Nightloosers)
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - Six days on the road (LIVE cover Nightloosers)
• 10 years ago
• comments: 0
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - Vinovatii fara vina (LIVE cover Pasarea Colibri)
Rated a youtube item created by @good-day with a 5:
Trupa Good Day - Vinovatii fara vina (LIVE cover Pasarea Colibri)
About Good Day
Good Day este o trupa live din Ocna Mures, Alba. Repertoriul cuprinde cover-uri intr-un spectru larg de genuri muzicale, inclusiv pop, rock, funk, blues, folk, country.
Trupa Good Day sustine concerte de 30-150 minute. In functie de eveniment, programul poate fi fractionat in recitaluri de 20, 30 sau 50 de minute. Concertele sau recitalurile Good Day sunt concepute pentru o gamă largă de evenimente private (nunţi, botezuri, zile onomastice, etc) si evenimente corporative.
Sonorizarea trupei este asigurată de către Studio NIC .
- Sistem PA 3500W, back-line complet, monitorizare, instalaţie de lumini.
Recently Rated:
youtube videos: 9
images: 16