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Manciu Mihai-Cosmin
@lauraciorei • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new forum topic "Caut pianist":
"Buna caut pianist Am o serie de 8 cantari in cateva restaurante in perioada 9-19 august. Clapa trebuie adusa in locatie . Muzica Cafe concert, vals, tango,..."
ionescu mihai
@ionescu-mihai • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new forum topic "trupa de evenimente din bucuresti":
"trupa de evenimente din bucuresti, cautam chitarist si solista vocala tel. 0721583555"
ionescu mihai
@ionescu-mihai • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new forum topic "basist bucuresti":
"caut trupa de cover, cu angajamente tel. 0721583555"
ionescu mihai
@ionescu-mihai • 6 years ago

basist bucuresti caut trupa de cover


@georgggeee • 6 years ago • comments: 0
ionescu mihai
@ionescu-mihai • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Caut instrumentisti pt trupa de cover - Bucuresti":
"cant la bass ce gen abordati 0721583555"
Alexandra Radu
@alexandra-radu • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new forum topic "Caut instrumentisti pt trupa de cover - Bucuresti":
"Daca stii sa canti la chitara electrica/chitara bass/clape/tobe si esti din Bucuresti, lasa-mi un numar sau o adresa de mail."
ionescu mihai
@ionescu-mihai • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Chitarist - caut instrumentisti":
"sunt interesat, inca ma poti suna"
@terrys • 6 years ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Chitarist - caut instrumentisti":
"Te-am sunat saptamana trecut dar n-ai raspuns. Te mai intereseaza?"
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